February 24, 2013

A comfortable and warm dinning room

How was the size of a house, it will still feel comfortable if the owner of the house clever to decorate around the room without leaving the function of the room. One is the dining room which is also often used as a family gathering. But often found dining room is used only if there is a family event or on weekends.

While on a normal day, the space is left impressed by its inhabitants prefer to take a side dish that is served at the dining table, then eat while watching television in the other room. This situation allows the disruption of a good ideal communication patterns.

August 20, 2011

Decorative Pillows

Decorative pillows can fill the emptiness in the room and easily combined and match with other home accessories. Since it is very affordable and available in various sizes, shapes and colors, pillows are the components most appropriate and practical to realize your dream home decor.

Many variations of shape and color, sometimes make us 'hungry eyes' and are interested want to buy everything. But you need to carefully choose a pillow, one of which shades, shapes and sizes to suit your room at home.

July 30, 2011

Gardening in a narrow area

best home decorations
While the remaining land is very limited in your home, it does not mean to bring the greenery on the porch. Plants in pots is the solution. practical and can reset whenever you want. If you feel you need a new atmosphere, just reset the potted plants. For example, by hanging or arranged in a graduated so that it looks more attractive.

Design of the pot is very diverse and can be tailored to the needs of design style which is applied at home. some made of cement, clay, ceramics, and others.