February 19, 2011

Cheer your house decoration with wallpaper

Use of wallpaper is not only for matters of aesthetics. Wall paper has benefits than wall paint. For installation, submit it to the experts to get durable wall paper for years. Also, select which is free from poison.

Many reasons for people to line the walls of his house with wallpaper. One of them, to get more expresive of impression from the wall.
The style, motifs, and color of the wallpaper is very diverse, making the wall look more alive.

Similar to the world of fashion, wallpaper have a trend that adjusted by house style. For classic house, for example, can be selected Victorian motifs such as flowers. Conversely, for a minimalist home, the right choice is dark colors like gray. Meanwhile, if your home is Oriental style, color shades of gold is an good choice.

Wallpaper's resilience can up to 10 even 15 years. At the most 8 years. While the paint is only lasting 2 years. If you want to be painted should be scraped or sanded back first. While the wallpaper, in a day can be installed and no smell.

Although a cursory look expensive so need to drain the pocket more, wallpaper also has another function, such as to cover the cracks on the walls, which can not be done by ordinary wall paint. In addition, this paper can also be used to cover uneven walls.

Special Conditions

One thing to watch out for when choosing wallpaper is all about the content of dangerous substances. Select the defrost-based ink or coating waterbase. So, even though installed in the children's room, hold harmless and safe.

In order to get the best results, do not immediately decide to buy wallpaper in one place. Compare with other wallpaper in some places or look at some Internet sites.

There are certain conditions attached as wallpaper. Usually, new walls drenched with water several times to dewy in addition to good results, also to minimize cracks.

Look closely the pattern of wallpaper that will be installed. Should it use expert for optimal results that are not bulging. The issue of treatment? Just clean with a damp cloth when dusty.

      Installation Advice
  1. Before buying wallpaper, ready to accept the consequences for long-term usage.
  2. For small rooms, you should select the wallpaper with a horizontal line for the room looks great. Do not be too many motives as impressed crowded and add narrow.
  3. If you want to use motif, use the distance is rarely or only on one wall only. For example, at the head of the bed.
  4. Durable wallpaper is highly dependent with how it installated.
  5. Match it with furniture.

1 comment:

  1. Wall papers are, no doubt, a must-have fixture for any home or office for a number of reasons. But what I have seen in my career is that people don't pay adequate attention to keeping them clean as a result after sometime when they become dirty they give a stained look to the house. So my advice is that if you are going to install one, keep it clean.

    interior painting
