July 30, 2011

Gardening in a narrow area

best home decorations
While the remaining land is very limited in your home, it does not mean to bring the greenery on the porch. Plants in pots is the solution. practical and can reset whenever you want. If you feel you need a new atmosphere, just reset the potted plants. For example, by hanging or arranged in a graduated so that it looks more attractive.

Design of the pot is very diverse and can be tailored to the needs of design style which is applied at home. some made of cement, clay, ceramics, and others.

Moreover, that must be considered also is the type of crop to be planted by using pot.

Window of the house can be enhanced by placing a few potted plants on the sides. Due to a narrow area, you need small plants too. Plant flowers can be an alternative choice and do not forget diligently cut it or move it to another pot to keep a neat appearance.

If the area is quite large, you can use other types of plants such as betel leaf or with fruit trees.

Select plants that suit the climate and lifestyle. If you travel frequently and have high activity, using tropical plants such as cactus that require little water is recommended. Cactus current form is very diverse and has a beautiful color display to support the interior of the house.

Type of Sansevieria plants can also be an option, considering that these plants are also resistant in conditions of little water. This plant has many fans and is often found in homes. In addition to easy maintenance, attractive color with a pointed shape is also suitable to be placed in a modern and minimalist style house


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