August 20, 2011

Decorative Pillows

Decorative pillows can fill the emptiness in the room and easily combined and match with other home accessories. Since it is very affordable and available in various sizes, shapes and colors, pillows are the components most appropriate and practical to realize your dream home decor.

Many variations of shape and color, sometimes make us 'hungry eyes' and are interested want to buy everything. But you need to carefully choose a pillow, one of which shades, shapes and sizes to suit your room at home.

July 30, 2011

Gardening in a narrow area

best home decorations
While the remaining land is very limited in your home, it does not mean to bring the greenery on the porch. Plants in pots is the solution. practical and can reset whenever you want. If you feel you need a new atmosphere, just reset the potted plants. For example, by hanging or arranged in a graduated so that it looks more attractive.

Design of the pot is very diverse and can be tailored to the needs of design style which is applied at home. some made of cement, clay, ceramics, and others.

July 02, 2011

Natural stones park

It is always interesting to use natural stone as decorative elements at the house, especially the parks. The application of natural stone combined with a thick plant garden is more natural.

Decorative natural stone in the garden can be applied to the park with a variety of design styles. Both the natural-style garden, tropical, Mediterranean, modern and minimalist to the park once. The application of natural stone can be on the wall garden, ponds, paths, stepping stones and so on.

April 22, 2011

Caring warmth of carpet

Carpet is not just a decoration, because carpeted room would be seen filled with warmth. Unfortunately, this ornament often be one part of the house that less attention. For the warmth of carpet does not fade, here are some things you can address.

First, clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner at least twice a week, however, keep in mind also that using a vacuum cleaner does not always solve the problem. Because, dust often down to the under of the carpet while you clean with a vacuum cleaner.

Second, identify your carpet material and the appropriate treatment, such as wool, silk, and artificial fibers or natural fibers. For example, for wool or silk, you can not use any detergent or bleach, also avoid using the dryer for durable carpet.

Third, note the position of the carpet. reposition the carpet two or three months. it is to replace the carpet are often stepped on or passed by people. Note also the location of windows and daylight coming into the room because it can diminish the carpet. Note also the air circulation. Humidity can make easy carpet smell. The solution, close the window with the blinds but make sure the air circulation smoothly with little open window.

Fourth, you need to understand the environmentl. In dry areas, carpets will usually be quite clean, but often dusty. while in moist areas, often become moldy carpet so that it becomes smelly.

April 02, 2011

Chinese Jar for Oriental Home Decoration

Chinese Jar is one of the much-loved home accessories. Not only serves as filler of empty space, jar able to change your room setup becomes more attractive. The jar can be a point of interest in an empty corner.

Jar ideally exist in oriental style house, or ethnic. However, the jar does not always belong to the concept of oriental or ethnic. You can actually apply  it  outside the familiar concept. Therefore, the jar itself that would be a focal point at the corner of the room.

However, the arrangement of jars also need to be considered properly.

March 24, 2011

Beautiful Bali's Glass Art

There are many ways to add a beautiful impression on your home decor. One of them by using glass art. Glass art ornament is currently very popular. Glass Art has many forms, some shaped glass with a long neck, there is a saucer-shaped colorful, and there is also a form of balls with beautiful colors.

Glass art is suitable as a decoration in the house, like to put on the cabinet, on the table, or in other appropriate places.

March 22, 2011

Choosing sofa for your best home decorations

sofa, sofa bed, leather sofa
 The living room is a room that is quite important in supporting the activities of our home, where a family can gather and enjoy a comfortable atmosphere or for receiving guests who visit. To have a room that can support the activities of these activities of course you'll need a sofa.

Sofa is a furniture that is most often found in many homes, where the sofa can also be used as a place to rest, watch TV, listen to music, chat with family or friends.

March 05, 2011

Harvest painting and Koi fish painting : brings harmonious in your home

Paintings can be a part of home decoration that can adorn the room in the house. But not any painting can be displayed in the house.

In the science of feng shui, there are some painting that should not be  displayed in the house. Therefore, the painting can bring bad energy going bad luck to the whole house. 

February 27, 2011

Choosing color and decor for your home

If your house is small / tiny, its better for you to choose bright paint colors  or light colored. for your house decoration. Because the bright colors  will give the decor impression of clean, airy and spacious. But, to remember is, the emphasis to use bright colors are best applied to public spaces that are functionally for something common, such as living room, family room, etc..

February 24, 2011

Minimalist Interior design and home decorations

house interior
A room's modern interior design and home's decoration affects your productivity and daily activities. There are 5 modern interior design tips you should consider for your house, including:

February 19, 2011

Cheer your house decoration with wallpaper

Use of wallpaper is not only for matters of aesthetics. Wall paper has benefits than wall paint. For installation, submit it to the experts to get durable wall paper for years. Also, select which is free from poison.

Many reasons for people to line the walls of his house with wallpaper. One of them, to get more expresive of impression from the wall.

February 15, 2011

Tropical Home Decoration

In the home interior decoration, tropical style display never create an impression of heat. Structuring a relaxed and warm with natural colors and cool textures make the room to be unique and offer a relaxing environment theme. Some tropical stylish common accessories such as flowers like orchids and hibiscus and the use of brightly colored curtains.

Some other tropical characteristics are ornamental of tropical birds and animals like monkeys and tigers.

Beautiful Handmade Lamp from Bali

Bali lamp is The unique lamp manufactures at Bali Indonesia. The lamps have been carefully selected to offer you the best in both lighting quality and value. Bali Lamp product range from Bali table lamp, Bali floor lamp, Bali wall lamp, until Lamp shade in shell.

Koi Fish Painting for your harmony home’s decorations

In Asian Decor the koi fish painting brings luck and wealth. Koi paintings represent harmony and balance. In Chinese fung shui, fish paintings are the Feng Shui element of Water and bring Feng Shui career fortune.

Engraving Root Table. A nature in your Decorations.

Its call Gembol or Bonggol with means knot of tree. Original teak tree-root from Gembol Villages Khairil Anwar Street, Wua Wua-kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Hand work digging with traditional tools. One of the original Indonesian arts from east. Functional for your family room, theatre room, living room or for your deep arts collection hobby.